National School Bus Safety Week October 16th—20th
We, as drivers, can help our children get to school safety by avoiding all distractions and following a few important safety rules. Thank you for helping keep the roads safe, while our bus drivers transport our students.

On October 22, 2024, at 3:00 PM in the Elementary Library at United Local. An AHA Heartsaver AED/CPR/First Aid Training being led by Susan Laughlin. To attend this training the cost for school staff or students is $25, and for community members is $50. To reserve a seat either email susan.laughlin@eaglepride.net or call 330-223-2829.

Attention: United Local Parents and Students
There will be NO SCHOOL on Friday, October 18, 2024, due to Parent Teachers Conferences on October 17, 2024.

Using different places in the school, High School Art 1 students carefully created forced perspective photographs of their friends and classmates. Students enjoyed creating illusions of various designs to trick the viewers eye.

Elementary Picture Day is tomorrow, October 9, 2024

United Local Schools are working with the Columbiana County Action Health Clinic to help you with routine medical care during the school day! This option is made possible by a generous grant and a mobile bus that will be at United 2 times this month.
When: Appointments available 10/15 and 10/29 during the school day
Target: Any student with no regular primary care provider
Goal: Establish as a patient and get a yearly wellness check (many other visits can be arranged).
How: Billed through your insurance or sliding scale. Small monthly payments are accepted. Details are in the packet. The packets are available at CAA Mobile Medical Paperwork on our district website or can be sent home with your student by calling 330-223-2829. Please return packets to the school nurse in a sealed envelope with your student’s name and CAA Appointment written on it. The CAA will contact you directly to confirm the appointment and discuss the care provided.
Important Information: Your student’s medical paperwork and any treatments are not shared with the staff at school. All care provided by CAA and billing details are protected health information and will be treated as such.

Reminder of our upcoming United Local Community Event
Topic: Curriculum, Services, and Participation for PreK-12th Grade Students in student health and wellness.
Date: Wednesday, October 9, 2024
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: United Local High School Library
We invite you to a parent meeting on October 9, 2024, at 6 PM to learn more
about the programs being offered this year and to address any questions you may have.

Elementary Picture Day Reminder

We are UNITED in our appreciation for all that you do! Thank you for all of the support that you give to our staff and students on a daily basis. We appreciate all of your hard work in making sure our school is a clean place for education. We would be a mess without you!

Happy Appreciation Day to our PTO!
We are UNITED in our appreciation for all that you do! Thank you for all of the support that you give to our staff and students. From putting on book fairs, nerf nights, truck or treat, Santa shops, Valentine celebrations, Koine Coffee Truck, Summer Challenge of collecting Tabs for SRO Officer Bailey, and all of your help with run our Carnival Day.

For the fourth time in its first four years, the United Girls Golf team is sending an individual to the OHSAA district tournament. Olivia Ashburn shot a career low 98 and won a scorecard play off to claim the honor. She will play on Wednesday, October 2 at Good Park in Akron.

United Local School District is hiring a Full Time Custodian! Do you know someone looking for full time work as a custodian in a great school district? If interested, please fill out a classified application found at https://www.eaglepride.net/page/forms and return it to Frank Baker. If you have any questions about this available position please contact Danielle Satterfield at 330-223-1521 ext.#5 or by emailing her at danielle.satterfield@eaglepride.net.

Thank you to Salem Community Foundation for your monetary gifts to United Local School Districts Backpack Program in memory of Henry F. and Mary Lou Loudon.
$500.00 will be used specifically for food items.
$500.00 will be used specifically for personal hygiene products.

Come out to United Local and Support Iris the Brave on Monday, September 30th at 6:00PM. United Girls Soccer will be playing against Crestview at United Local. Game proceeds to Benefit Iris Battling Childhood Cancer.

Save the Date for an United Local Community Event
Topic: Curriculum, Services, and Participation for PreK-12th Grade Students in student health and wellness.
Date: October 9th, 2024
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: United Local High School

United Local School District will be participating in Clash of Cans 2024, the week on September 23rd through September 27th. All donations will go to help support United Local's Community Outreach Pantry. Students will bring in canned goods, boxed items, or other non-perishable items throughout the week. This year will will not going to compete class vs. class, we are going to do building wide drives for various incentives. Students will earn one ticket, per day that they participate in the collection which will be used in the drawings.

A huge congratualtions to United Local Athlete, Maddox Andrea for being a Nominee for MaxPreps Ohio High School Athlete of the Week Award. The MP AOW awards are decided by fan vote, so we encourage you to share this post to others in whom might want to celebrate our . Voting is live and will conclude at Noon on Monday, Sept. 23. The TOP vote-getters will earn awards. The Winners will be announced on www.maxpreps.com Tuesday, September 24, 2024.
Thank you for helping promote Ohio High School Sports and your School District.

Please go and vote for Maddox Andrea for MaxPreps Ohio HS Athlete of the Week.

Today is National IT Professionals Day!
We are UNITED in our appreciation for all that you do every day for our students and staff! Every day you help to keep our students and staff's devices working and help our district’s parents get set up to receive the latest information. Thank you Krista Fitch and Dennis Klaustermeyer!

United Local's PTO challenged our elementary students to collect as many pop tabs as possible over the summer. This is to help support Akron Children's Ronald McDonald House. Before counting up pop tabs from the summer collection, SRO Officer Bailey has turned in almost 60 gallons of pop tabs in total over the past three years.
We are proud to announce that our students, staff, and community have collected more in one summer than in the past 36 months combined.
The total of Pop Tabs from the Summer collection is:
60 gallons, which weighs 137 lbs, and are 173,250 individual pop tabs
Thank you to our United Community and SRO, Officer Bailey for helping donate to this cause. SRO, Officer Bailey will have a 45-gallon bucket in the Main Office lobby area for anyone to drop off more pop tabs throughout the school year.